IVOblog Quick Q&A recently asked Dr Redelinghuys, a dentist in Pretoria (who specialises in Root Canals), what she loved most about her new Ivoclar CS6 combination furnace: her Quick answer! “Having a patient “all done in a day!”
Q: Has the Ivoclar CS6 combination furnace made one day visits for your patients easier?
I love the super fast crystallisation and sintering for both Zirconia and e.max. Even with Zirconia I can do a patient in one sitting which is great for some patients that struggle to find the time to come to the dentist. And of course with e.max it’s so much easier to do a one-day visit for a patient even with multiple teeth. Patients really like the one day visit - only one set of injections for one appointment! They may wait a while as we work, but it can all be done in a day!
Q: Have you noticed that your zirconia crowns have better translucency due to the Vacuum assisted sintering technology.
I am most excited for Crowns, this is the first sintering oven we have had and I am so impressed with the aesthetics – you can really see the difference!
Q: The fact that you can sinter a 3Y type LT Zirconia in 22 minutes must be a massive game changer for you.
Yes, its amazing to be able to do LT Zirconia for 7's and 6's, especially for patients that grind. It’s fantastic where minimum thickness is a problem. And sintering is super fast!
Q: How do you find the aesthetics of the MT MULTI Zirconia.
I am very happy with the MT Multi Zirconia – it blends well with the natural teeth right next door. I have done a few 3-unit bridges and got a very nice blend between the natural teeth and the Zirconia – you can’t see the difference. I have also done a 4-unit bridge.