With his key interest in Digital Aesthetic Dentistry and Implantology, Dr Waldo Engelbrecht from Enamel Clinic in Cape Town uses Tekscan’s T-Scan - dentistry’s premium digital occlusal analysis system. He told IVOblog it’s something he now uses every single day.
“T-Scan has really improved a number of steps when I am treating patients.
The diagnostic value is really amazing, especially for patients who have discomfort but cannot pinpoint it and we as clinicians cannot see where the problem lies. I’ll use the T-Scan and see that there actually is an interference that we can adjust.
Even patients with sensitive teeth can start to be treated by removing the heavy contacts.
It is also great for checking occlusion after placement of crowns, bridges and implant crowns. It makes a lot more sense than when you just use normal bite paper because you can identify where the heavy contacts are and which aren’t problem areas.
This saves a lot of time as it eliminates having to conduct multiple, repetitive follow-ups– you can get to the cause of the problem much quicker.”
Located in the Innovation District of Boston, Tekscan has been in business since 1987. T-Scan™ provides dynamic occlusal measurement - revealing the level and timing of force on individual teeth and the occlusal stability of the overall bite. Nearly EVERY dental procedure performed impacts occlusion. Poor occlusion affects quality of life. T-Scan is a tool used by dentists to restore this quality of life. Click here to view Tekscan products on IvodentOnline.