Ivodent Online blog

Myotape - Healthy airway development

Posted by Ivodent on December 9, 2020

SLEEP DENTISTRY, AIRWAY DENTISTRY and healthy airway development is something that I have been championing for many years and it was the focus of the inaugural Total Health Conferencepowered by Ivodent’.

We are excited to announce that Ivodent now stocks a product called MyoTape – a specialist tape designed to help restore full-time nasal breathing during wakefulness and sleep. Nose breathing supports functional orthodontics, improves dental health and the healthy development of the airway… while also supporting total health of the body.

MYOTAPE is made from a soft material that stretches easily. It does not cover the mouth, instead, it surrounds the mouth, gently bringing the lips together. Once in place, the tape stimulates the skin, triggering a neurological response in the muscles of the face. This ‘reminds’ you to close your mouth, and teaches the brain to switch dominance to nasal breathing when the lips are gently held together.

NASAL BREATHING filters, warms and humidifies inhaled air and increases nitric oxide in the airways. Nitric oxide is important for the proper functioning of the blood vessels in the lungs. It also has proven antiviral and antibacterial properties. A new scientific review into viral load in COVID-19 states that “sealing the mouth (during sleep) with adhesive tape reduces common colds…[and] may decrease viral load during sleep [allowing] the immune system more time to mount an effective antiviral response” (Martel et al. 2020).

Nocturnal mouth breathing contributes to snoring, sleep apnoea and poor sleep quality, and inhibits CPAP compliance. It negatively affects physical and mental wellbeing, and causes serious developmental issues in children, both physically and cognitively. The tape can be used for between 30 minutes and 2 hours during the day to develop the habit of nasal breathing in children. It can be applied during exercise to reduce exercise-induced asthma and improve oxygenation of the working muscles. And it can be worn all night long, so you wake feeling refreshed.

MyoTape is different from other lip tapes. First, it is designed by Patrick McKeown, internationally renowned breathing coach and author of The Oxygen Advantage, informed by 20 years of clinical practice. Second, it does not cover the mouth. Instead, it surrounds the mouth, gently bringing the lips together. You can still open your mouth and communicate easily.

This eliminates risk and soothes any anxiety that may accompany your first attempt at taping the mouth. Use MyoTape in conjunction with breathing exercises for best results.

CLICK HERE to watch this practical 40 minute breathing session on You Tube with internationally renowned Patrick McKeown (and inventor of MyoTape), who shares with us recovery breathing techniques from COVID to help improve respiratory health.

And CLICK HERE to watch the brilliant Dr Rangan Chatterjee’s interview with Patrick McKeown on nasal breathing as the secret to better health, fitness and overall.


  • Less mouth snoring
  • Reduce sleep apnoea and support CPAP
  • Better sleep quality, better focus, less fatigue
  • Less asthma and airway irritation
  • Improve dental health
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Boost athletic performance and stamina


  • Better sleep, less tiredness
  • Healthy teeth
  • Healthy development of the airway
  • Supports functional orthodontics
  • Improve dental health - Healthy teeth
  • Healthy development of the airway
  • Lower risk of behavioural disorders
  • Reduced risk of learning disorders
  • Better speech and listening skills

To order it at R454 excl VAT for 90 pieces or R5.04 per sticker click here.

If you do not have an account with us and wish to open one to order online, please CLICK HERE to complete this online application form and we will be in touch. Or email [email protected] if you would prefer that we email you a form to complete manually.

We will be informing patients via our Ivohealth consumer social media platforms (30 000+ followers) that dental professionals may stock MyoTape, so get yours now!


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